Benjamin Edward Carsten

My sweet Benjamin Edward Carsten is here; weighing in at 6 lbs 15 oz and stretching out to 19 inches. He arrived on June 14, 2018 at 5:03pm. This delivery was definitely very different from his sister’s. I ended up having to have a C-section with Benjamin. I went in for my normal week to week appointment at 37 weeks (which was two weeks further than Anna). That morning riding to the doctor’s office I really felt like today was the day. Benjamin felt like he was pushing right underneath my ribs and I could only sit a few ways comfortably in the car and in my brain I was thinking “how can endure this for 2 to 3 more weeks?”. Turns out when I got there, my blood pressure was extremely high and he was breech. I am very thankful that I got to work right up until the time that I had him. I think it helped me to have a much healthier pregnancy. Once I was at the doctors and he saw how high my blood pressure was he just said he didn’t feel comfortable anymore with it being so high, so plan for that afternoon to have a C-section! I was definitely a little nervous but everything ended up going very well.

The delivery experience was much quicker than laboring for two days like I did with Anna. For months I’d been super excited about getting to hold him for the first time (that was my favorite part of Anna’s birth) and I was so afraid that with a c-section I wouldn’t get to experience that. But, the Lord knew my thoughts, and I was able to do the same thing with Benjamin. That is the sweetest moment when they put your baby in your arms and I’m very thankful I was able to do that in the OR and have some skin to skin time  before they sewed me up. All the doctors and nurses were amazing the entire three days that Casey and I were at the hospital. Benjamin was the only baby born that day so he got lots of attention from the staff.

I know a lot of you want to know how Anna reacted to meeting Benjamin for the first time and it truly couldn’t have gone any better. She has fallen in love just like me and Casey. She wants to help with everything and sometimes I fear any moment I’m going to walk into our living room and she’s going to be carrying him around. She definitely think she’s the little mama and she tells me often that I am the sister and she’s the mommy. She also wants to know why she cannot make breastmilk to feed him. This whole experience has been a lot of fun for her and for us. We have enjoyed watching her become that loving sister even though I know that there’s going to be days that both of them go at it. Right now we will enjoy the sweet times.

One of the things Casey and I have learned about the differences in baby boys and baby girls is that little boys pee ALL over the place! So we’ve had some adjustments, but as far as Benjamin’s concerned, he’s a great sleeper. He’s been a really good baby so far and we are blessed with that. We’ve had lots of family and friends come by to bring us meals and visit and have baby time. We truly appreciate every gift, every meal, every card, every prayer, and visit.

Today was Casey’s first day back to work which has been a little scary but Benjamin and I are holding down the fort at home; so far so good! And as far as my recovery, I’m still a little sore but I’ve been able to get up and get around. I won’t be able to carry Anna for about six weeks which is an adjustment for her and me, but she is doing well with it. I’m trying not to go stir crazy in the house and just slow down and enjoy these fleeting moments.

I wanted to share with you guys just a little bit about our life in the last two weeks and introduce you to my sweet Benjamin Edward Carsten. God has blessed us with a beautiful son and Casey and I are truly thankful!!! Thank you all for your prayers. Psalm 127:3


June 25, 2018

  1. Reveley Thomy says:

    SO sweet!! Thanks for sharing!! He is precious!!

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